Tips for Solo Women Travelers in Europe

The bright sides of solo travel are independence and self-discovery, and the downsides are loneliness and extra costs. It is the same for both women and men. But two significant concerns that tend to impact solo women in Europe more than men are robbery and harassment. Every year, thousands of women of all ages enjoy safe, rewarding European journeys all on their own. If you want, you can, too. Utilize the same proper assessment you make at home. Start with an alert and figure out what feels correct as you journey. Develop requirements that will probably turn out in your acceptance, and you can enjoy a safer, smoother, and more pleasant journey. In northern parts of Europe, you won't attract any more lookout from men than you do in America. Whereas in southern parts of Europe, especially Italy, you may get extra attention than you're used to. But it's probably in the state of the "long look." So be mindful that it's often thought of as an invitation w...